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Power Up

Amino Blend



Our job is to educate you and keep you informed on all things Vitamins so that you can make the best choice for you and your body!

L-Arginine & Amino Acids Combo

Amino Blend

Our Amino Blend provides the body with essential amino acids needed for breaking down food, producing hormones, stimulating hair, nail and skin growth, regulating your digestive system and providing energy.

This combination increases blood flow, which increases stamina and sex drive. It also helps to enhance athletic and exercise performance, including speedy muscle recovery. This includes post-surgery healing!

Amino Blend will provide mental clarity, memory support, better mood, better sleep and a healthy gut!

If you are dealing with:

  • Poor sex drive
  • Low libido
  • Do you work out?
  • Do you play sports?
  • Poor blood circulation/flow
  • Poor diet
  • Weight gain
  • Brain fog

Amino Blend Benefits:

  • Improving heart health
  • Increased stamina and sex drive
  • Enhanced athletic/exercise performance
  • Supports mental focus/clarity
  • Promotes gut health
  • Aids in muscle recovery
  • Support memory functions

Proudly Serving You

Stop in and See Us!

Walk ins are always welcome, no appointment needed! We are friendly, knowledgeable, licensed and have nurses on staff to advise and administer the injections. Private and Personal Medical Director provides an annual prescription that we handle directly. Telehealth for more specific weight loss programs available.

Power Up


Our goal is to help you live your best life in your best body by providing you the best vitamin options! Our vitamins are pure (non-synthetic), no filler, FDA approved and activated, purchased only from reputable pharmacies with top quality products.