Power Up
Our job is to educate you and keep you informed on all things Vitamins so that you can make the best choice for you and your body!

β-hydroxy-γ-N-trimethylaminobutyric acid
L-Carnitine is a Metabolic Booster
Benefits of L-Carnitine – Increases Endurance – Because it plays a central role in energy production, many athletes use l-carnitine as a way to enhance endurance and boost athletic performance.
Enhances Weight Loss – Paired with diet and exercise, L-carnitine can be a powerful tool for weight loss due to it’s role in fat metabolism.
Prevents Muscle Damage – Studies have shown those who took l-carnitine had lower levels of certain markers which indicate muscle damage.
Increases Fat Burning – L-carnitine can increase the breakdown of fat as well as increase fat burning and energy expenditure during physical activity.
Boosts Brain Function – Evidence suggests l-carnitine may help improve cognitive function.
Regulates Blood Sugar – L-carnitine can help improve insulin sensitivity in those with impaired glucose metabolism.
L-carnitine provides mitochondria with both the energy they need and the antioxidant protection that they must have to retain their youthful function.
Recent studies show that in addition to helping the mitochondria burn fat as energy, carnitine is also vital for removing waste products from mitochondria. This is important, because we now recognize that the buildup of mitochondrial waste products is one of the most important contributors to insulin resistance, which further promotes high blood sugar and obesity.
Obesity and aging contribute to low carnitine levels, which compromises mitochondrial performance and increases insulin resistance, promoting further obesity and carnitine reduction.

If you are dealing with:
- Heart condition
- Diabetes
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Health Issues
- Overweight
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Brain Fog
L-Carnitine Benefits:
- Burns Fat
- Boost Energy
- Improves Performance
- Boost Metabolism
- Weight Loss
- Release Lactic Acid
- Muscle Recovery
- Immune System Support
- Improved Workout
Proudly Serving You
Stop in and See Us!
Walk ins are always welcome, no appointment needed! We are friendly, knowledgeable, licensed and have nurses on staff to advise and administer the injections. Private and Personal Medical Director provides an annual prescription that we handle directly. Telehealth for more specific weight loss programs available.

Power Up
We Believe in the Best Version of You!
B12 RX & MORE® offers only the purest
and finest forms of the vitamins your
body needs to perform at its best
so you can thrive in life.
6419 Newberry Rd
Unit F9
Gainesville, FL 32605
Text or call 352-213-5118
[email protected]
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10300 Southside Blvd,
Unit 2470
Jacksonville, FL 32265
Text or call 904-835-2814
[email protected]
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